service d’adresse mondial (world-wide address service)

eMail2address DIRECT

eMail2address “converts” an e-mail address (electronic address) into a postal address (physical address). To register, please enter your sedamo address code (an 8-letters code representing your postal address), your e-Mail address, and further address details.

Yes, I want my personal data stored and made accessible to the public via my e-mail address according to the privacy policy.
sedamo*: AB-CD-EF-GH
full nameopt:    Dr. Max Good
date of birthopt: 1981-08-15 (YYYY-MM-DD)
company nameopt: Example Ltd.
phoneopt: +44-20-88668811
Mobile phoneopt: +44-20-88668811
Faxopt: +44-20-88668811
Turing number*: Please enter these numbers.

* mandatory fields
opt optional fields

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